Tuesday, 19 June 2012

I have braces!

Yesterday I officially got braces!

I'm 22 years old and I've been wanting braces for ages. I never had them when I was a younger because it wasn't affordable. I went to my orthodontist back in 2009 to get a quote and the price scared me (plus the thought of having to get oral surgery freaked me out!)
So in January this year I went back to the same orthodontist for another consultation. This time, I was told I had to get even more teeth removed (5 teeth in total: 3 wisdom teeth (I never developed a fourth one), and 2 baby teeth).
I had my oral surgery on May 29, and had my five teeth removed plus they had to expose an impacted adult tooth (tooth number 13) in my gums, and then put an orthodontic appliance on it. Then on the 18th of June, I got my top braces on :) I have In-Ovation C on the top 8 teeth, and then metal brackets on the rest. I also had to get these weird molar buildups (which are like these smurf-blue "stops" on my teeth to stop me from biting the whole way down) put on, so that one of my top teeth has a chance to move forward (I have a crossbite, so that tooth sits behind the bottom tooth when it is supposed to sit in front of it). My bottom braces won't go on until my top teeth have straightened out, which will be in around 6 months time.

Aaaaaaaaannnnnnnyway. I was told to expect pain and discomfort 4+ hours after getting my braces on. I was also told the second and third days would be the worst. Well, I only started experiencing very slight discomfort after about 12 hours of getting the braces on. Today (the second day) I only have a bit of discomfort and my teeth feel a bit sensitive and perhaps the slightest bit wobbly.

I absolutely cannot WAIT to see some movement. It's only been a day and I just want my teeth to hurry up and straighten so I can get these things off!
Before braces - not sure why the photo went sideways

Me smiling before braces.. bleurgghh

Top braces on!

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